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The Truth About Busyness: What It’s Costing You As An Entrepreneur

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Have you ever noticed that the word “busy” is often used as an excuse? Not only that, but it acts as a massive roadblock to action and progress. Read on as I explain why “busy” is a useless word and what to say instead to keep positive momentum and energy alive on your entrepreneurial journey.

The problem with “busy.”

The word “busy” has become a catch-all excuse that stops progress, derails communication, and masks our true priorities. I vote to eliminate this vague, meaningless term from our vocabulary altogether!

Here’s why …

When someone says they’re “busy,” what does that really mean?

Typically, it signals nothing more than a state of overwhelm or, worse, an avoidance tactic. I find that the word “busy” is ambiguous and non-specific, often used as a convenient excuse to dodge genuine communication.

Beyond busyness: what’s really happening?

When you find yourself saying, “I’m busy,” it usually means one of two things:

  1. This task or person is not a true priority for you right now.
  2. You’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage your commitments.

Rather than being honest about these truths, many find themselves shortcutting their communication with the catch-all word “busy.”

I recognize that, culturally, there’s a bit of a trap at play here. There’s often a social pressure to appear constantly occupied; however, being busy doesn’t equate to being productive or profitable. As Dan Sullivan has said,

In short, you don’t want to be busy, let alone tell others you are.

Busyness is disrespecting your time, and saying you’re busy is, frankly, a copout when you could communicate so much better.

Cancel the word “busy”—there’s a better approach.

Instead of defaulting to “busy,” try to:

  • Be specific about your priorities.
  • Explain your current commitments honestly.
  • Recognize when you need to create space for thinking and growth.

Thinking of yourself as busy is not an empowered mindset, and constantly claiming to be busy can damage your most important relationships. If people associate you with always being busy, they may stop inviting you to opportunities, assuming you’re never available.

Removing the word “busy” from your vocabulary may take some time and practice. When you catch yourself or others using the word “busy,” take these three steps:

  1. Ask deeper questions.
  2. Clarify actual priorities.
  3. Challenge the underlying assumption.

With these three steps, you’ll be able to get down to the root of what’s actually taking up your time and energy, and you’ll get the opportunity to create space for what’s truly important.

Remember: Busyness is not a badge of honor—it’s a barrier to meaningful engagement and personal growth. So, join me in my mission to choose clarity, honesty, and intentionality over being “busy”!

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