Clarifying Your Unique Ability For Unstoppable Success

Tim Sullivan
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We all want clarity, right?

And not just for ourselves, but from others too! I want it from my teammates as well as from Dan Sullivan and Babs Smith, the entrepreneurs with a big entrepreneurial vision who lead our company, Strategic Coach. I also want it from my family, neighbors, and friends. In turn, I do my absolute best to provide it to others.

What happens when you’re not clear?

It’s frighteningly easy to be pulled in a million directions when you’re unclear. You go down one road, get frustrated, get pulled down another, make a mess, do things out of obligation, and feel trapped. If this goes on too long, you wonder what’s wrong with you, and you may even start to lose interest in your business or job because you can’t even remember what you loved about it in the first place.

How does Unique Ability give you clarity?

When asked, “What’s your Unique Ability?” most people stumble and say something like, “I’m in sales” or “I’m in real estate.” While those might be industries they work in or activities they do that use their Unique Ability, they don’t describe their unique talents combined with the passion that drives them.

Knowing your Unique Ability gives you a clear framework for every decision you make in life, from what activities to do (or not do), what audiences you can best create value for, what kind of team you need around you, what environment best suits you, and what relationships will mesh with your way of doing things.

It puts boundaries around your “playground” where you’ll create the most value while having the most fun. It keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out.

At the core, it all goes back to being in charge of your own life.

Dan Sullivan has always said, “If you don’t take charge of your future, others will.” As a successful entrepreneur or entrepreneurial team member, you’re a smart, talented, and incredibly useful person whom people value.

Your Unique Ability is your greatest source of energy, passion, value creation, and satisfaction. The clearer you are about your Unique Ability, the better the chance of being used by the right people, doing the right activities for the reasons that jazz you. The more you figure that out, the better life continues to get.

Get clear, starting with your Unique Ability.

It takes some thinking and digging, but it’s possible to sum up your Unique Ability in one sentence. That sentence can then serve as a mantra when you’re facing new challenges and opportunities to help give you clarity on how to proceed.

Here are four tips to get clarity on your Unique Ability:

  1. Take the Kolbe A profile assessment and learn more about your natural striving instincts.
  2. Take the CliftonStrengths assessment and discover your top five strengths.
  3. Send a letter to ten people in your life asking them what they count on you for—your unique talents and skills.
  4. Read our book, Unique Ability 2.0: Discovery, and follow our process.

Hopefully, the next time you’re asked if you’re clear on your Unique Ability, you’ll be able to answer, “Crystal.” This clarity around your talents and passions will be your ultimate driver when navigating every area of life.